Seven Top Tips To Exercise In The Office

Apr 27 2018

Darren Best

When working in a typical 9-to-5 job, you are sitting sedentary for 8-hours a day, which can not only take its toll on an individual’s physical, but also mental health too. Whilst the implications may not be obvious in the short-term, in the long-term it can result in severe health problems, such as high blood pressure and even heart disease. Therefore, it is important, more than ever, to exercise in the office whenever you have time.

Worryingly, statistics show that 37% of men and 45% of women spend less than 30 minutes of their day up on their feet whilst at work. With the ‘On your feet Britain – get up from work’ campaign beginning today, here at Savoy Stewart, we have put together a list of the various different ways office workers can do some exercise in the office environment.  

Top Tips to Exercise in the Office

1. Stair Away 

It has probably become a habit for you to take the lift or escalator at work, but why don’t you try and change this ingrained habit? Where possible, try using the stairs instead. This small and simple change can give your legs some much-needed movement.  

2. Lunch Ritual  

If you eat on your desk or work through your lunch hours, consider changing this up. Go out for a short 20 to 30-minute walk. Not only will the fresh air will clear your mind and alleviate any stress you may have, and it means you are getting some exercise whilst at the office.  

 Photo credit: bbernard / Shutterstock

3. Alternative Transport  

Depending on how far you live from your office, consider walking and/or cycling to work. By doing this, it will be a fantastic way to add activity to your day-to-day life after getting little exercise in the office. Likewise, walking and/or cycling will also make you feel more awake and energised. 

If such options are not possible due to the distance, there are still simple hacks you can follow such as getting off a few stops earlier on the train and then walking to your workplace.  

4. Stretch Through  

Whenever you feel like your legs are cramping, or you are losing concentration from sitting in one place for a long time, consider carrying out some stretching exercises in the office. You can do this either at the comfort of your desk or somewhere more discreet. By taking a short break every half an hour to an hour and stretching your arms and legs, you will feel revitalised. 

 Photo credit: stockfour / Shutterstock

5. Coffee Run 

If you’re in an office where you and your colleagues religiously have a mug of coffee or tea multiple times in a day, elect yourself to become the chief drinks-maker, or the person who gets the drinks from your local coffee shop. This provides a fantastic avenue for you to escape from your chair during numerous intervals in the day and get some all-important exercise in the office.  

6. Working Smarter  

Let’s be honest, meetings can be dull affairs. They tend to drag on and as they do so, the more time you end up sitting in one place. Switch it up, think about having a stand-up meeting or an outdoor walking meeting to the coffee shop and back – anything to ensure you are getting some exercise in the office. Of course, these sorts of meetings will be more viable for smaller groups, but by doing this, it will help to encourage more movement. 

 Photo credit: dotshock / Shutterstock

7. Helping Hand  

Your journey to becoming more active in the workplace does not have to be a lonely one. If you are good friends with one of your fellow colleagues who you think would be interested in sharing the same goal, then explain to them your ambitions. This could spark them to give you company during walks at lunch, or even head to the gym with you after work. Additionally, they could provide you with the self-discipline to avoid the temptation of unhealthy snacks.  



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