Job Hopping Or Staying Put? Boosting Office Morale & Retaining Employees

Aug 18 2016

Darren Best

It’s not just millennials however, as some industries are more liable to having fast turnovers with staff pursuing other opportunities. This leaves employees wondering how to ensure they retain employees for longer – as constantly recruiting new staff is costly and time consuming. We have come up with the top morale boosting techniques to ensure your staff are kept happy and less likely to look elsewhere.

Regular progress reviews

This is an opportunity for the employer to be frank and honest with the employer about his or her progress. It is also an opportunity for the employer to talk about how they are finding the job, any issues they have and how they would like to progress in their career. Employers don’t like to be kept in the dark regarding their progress and how the boss thinks they are doing. Progress reviews can result in reassurance to both parties and a way for employers and employees to discuss their needs. work-review Photo credit: Pressmaster/Shutterstock 

Employee training

Some employees feel it is a waste of money, time and resources to provide training to employers, but it could be training that is necessary to stop employees feeling inadequate and unsupported. In some industries this is more necessary than others – for example changes in technology which employees need to keep up to date with, or changing policies and legislation which affects their work. Furthermore, regular training shows employees you care about their progress in the company. office-training Photo credit: lightwavemedia/Shutterstock 

Job progression

One of the main reasons why employees leave jobs is they feel they are stuck in their job role and seek the opportunity to progress, maybe to take on more responsibilities or a change of job title. It is important that if you feel your employees are working hard and excelling in their positions that they should take on more responsibilities, if this is viable and what they desire. Keep an eye on employees you feel are working well and discuss with them future opportunities to take on more tasks. This shows you care and gives employees the motivation to succeed and not look afar. job-promotion Photo credit: wavebreakmedia/Shutterstock


Similarly, if you can’t promote the employee, reward them for their hard work. It you are cash strapped, it doesn’t have to be a huge expense –a thank you letter, a voucher or an afternoon off shows your employees you value and acknowledge their work and encourages them to be the best that they can be. office-rewards Photo credit: 


Colleagues are working around 8 hours per day with the same people, therefore it’s important that they get along. Regularly social events allow employees to socialise outside the office and foster relationships. Organising such events shows your employees you value them outside of the office. work-socials Photo credit: George Rudy/Shutterstock 

Office environment

A bright, clean and comfortable office is far more important than you think to employee wellbeing. Ensure your workers have comfortable office chairs and the room is well lit as to not cause eye strain. Decorations such as plants can also make the office more attractive. Employees will notice you’ve put the effort in to provide them with a nice working environment and they will be grateful for it. A study from the University of Exeter found that having houseplants in the office increases productivity by up to 15% - time for a trip to the local garden centre? Providing a space where employees can relax and unwind in their breaks is also very important – a lounge area with sofas, a dining area or an outdoor space are all examples of comfy and relaxing places to unwind. Office layout can also be important. The decline in hot desking demonstrates that workers tend to prefer having an assigned personal desk – a space they can personalise and make into their own. The debate between open and closed-plan offices has long been debated. The decision is often dependent on the size of the company and its culture. If your company has employees working independently requiring high concentration in a fairly high pressure environment, then more privacy in a closed plan might be better. For a job that requires strong team work and interaction then open plan might be better suited to your business needs.

There you have it: 6 ways to boost employer morale and maintain a happy workforce. Of course this won’t work for every employee – some people just like a change in environment, maybe their situation changes or the job simply isn’t for them. But maintaining an open door policy where employees are aware of their potential growth in the company will leave them less likely to consider jumping ship.

feature image Feature image credit: Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock 

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