5 Tips For Hiring The Right Employee For Your Business
May 30 2018
Darren Best
Hiring the right employee for your business can be an arduous task. You spend time trawling through stacks of CVs, analysing line after line, before holding umpteen interviews and then finally it’s time to decide! You hire who you perceive is a prime candidate, full of potential and promise. But, even after all of that, sometimes it just doesn’t work out.
Some recent research by Robert Half suggests that it can be apparent that a mistake has been made in as little as two weeks, with 39% of employers saying they could tell within a fortnight if things were not going to plan with a new hire. So, how can you avoid this happening in your own business recruitment process?
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Top tips for hiring the right employee
With this in mind, it’s true that hiring the right employees can make or break your business. Using Forbes, Savoy Stewart has hand-picked five simple tips for hiring the right candidate for your business, to help you to manage the hiring process more effectively and ensure you take a chance on the right person for the job.
1. Look for someone with a commitment to their career
Always check the candidate’s previous job duration and if he/she is switching roles constantly – and with no good reason – this is not the right person for the job. A person committed to his or her career, and company, is the candidate you want to hire.
2. Test for excellent learning and analytical skills
A candidate with confidence is great, but what you really want is a candidate that has the right skills. Try to use different methodologies to assess the learning and analytical skills of your candidates. After all, assessing a potential new hire on simply a CV and their spoken word, rich with confidence may not be enough.
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3. Check compatibility
You want to find an employee that will fit in with your company’s culture and office environment, so it’s important they have the right social skills to get along with others, especially with current employees and managers. To get an idea, ask how he/she is managing current business clients or customers. Remember, willingness is one of the primary things a candidate must possess to work with you and your team.
4. Keep improving
When you are looking at hiring the right employee, whether it be for a big organisation or a start-up, the hiring process is the first and foremost factor you need to focus on. To streamline, pay attention to the following points:
- Instead of asking simplistic, bullet pointed questions or irrelevant questions, you need to focus on getting to know the capabilities, knowledge, skills, confidence, attitude and potential of the candidate.
- When you advertise job vacancies for your company, make sure that all the job requirements such as responsibilities, required education, experience, knowledge and skills are clearly mentioned. It will help in evaluating candidates and attracting the right applicants for the role.
- It’s also a good idea to involve other people in the decision-making process, since more opinions can lead to finding the right hire.
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5. Get social with the candidates
Rather than asking personal questions to get to know a candidate (which can be awkward for both parties), analyse their social media pages and how they interact online. In fact, you – along with help from HR – can find out a great deal by doing this.
It is also an effective strategy, especially if you want to hire employees for tech businesses. In fact, it’s so effective, a reported 92% of companies prefer to recruit through social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.